Showing posts with label quilted gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilted gift. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Gifts For Friends

Here are some Christmas gifts that I've made for the ladies I work with.  They're for keeping your notions in.  I've made 11, including the prototype.  They really took a lot of time!  I will make a pattern for them to sell... later.

I also made some Dresden plate candle mats for my Visiting Teaching sisters.  On the card is a quote from Pres. Thomas S. Monson:

As we strive to place Christ at the center
of our lives by learning His words, by
following His teachings, and by walking in
His path, He has promised to share with
us the eternal life that He died to gain.
There is no higher end than this, that we
should choose to accept His discipline and
become His disciples and do His work
throughout our lives. Nothing else, no other
choice we make, can make of us what He can." 

This candle mat will help them remember to keep Christ at the center of their lives.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Last Minute Gifts

For Christmas this year, I wanted to make all of the ladies I work with, an Iron Cozy.  As I searched the patterns that are already out there, I found that they were for certain sizes.  Well, I don't know what size all the ladies irons are!  So I made my own pattern for a one-size-fits-all iron cozy.  Here's a picture...

They have a casing for an elastic cord, that gets drawn-up and is held in place by a spring cord clip.  There's a dart in the front, and 2 darts in the back corners to make them square.

 I made 7 Iron Cozies, and will take them to work to pass out today.